Adding tBTC liquidity to pool
Below, I’ll show you the way to add tBTC liquidity to pool.
I already have tBTC in my Metamask wallet. If you want to know how to buy tBTC please see my previous article.
You can click Deposit: that means you will just provide liquidity and will receive some profit per cent to your bitcoin; or you can select Deposit & stake in gauge, and besides bitcoin rewards, you can stake pool tokens and farm additional Curve tokens.
Now you have to approve 4 transactions:
a) You allow curve to spend your tbtc (click Confirm)
b) You deposit you tbtc token in pool (click Confirm), as a result you will get tBTC/sbtcCrv token.
c) You should allow to spend this token to be able to stake it (click Confirm).
d) You stake your tBTC/sbtcCrv token (click Confirm).
I show you all my successfull transactions in this video:
pool profit,
profit in curve tokens.
Also you can switch between tabs and see profit in usd, btc or tokens:
This is your percent of pool:
That’s it, good luck in gaining DeFi profit with tBTC. If my article was useful, don’t be shy to say thank you!
My ETH address: 0x2fA96800f56b1b3f58A1eA3223BBb3d2dc8b494F