Earning Additional Profit in KEEP Tokens by Staking the Pool Tokens


  1. Visit dashboard.keep.network/liquidity site.
2. Click Connect Wallet. In my case, I choose Metamask.
3. Choose which LP tokens you have (I already staked my KEEP ETH LP tokens, you can see how to add tokens to pool in my previous article).

In this tutorial I will stake my KEEP TBTC LP token.

4. Click Add More LP Tokens.

5. In Metamask allow the app to spend your LP tokens. Click Confirm.

6. Wait until the transaction is successful.

7. The next transaction window is opened.

Click Confirm to stake your tokens.

You can reload page and see your percent of total pool.

8. In some time, you can see your first KEEP tokens earned.

If your prefer video tutorials, you can watch the video on the topic here:

